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tv   News 4 Today at 430  NBC  September 5, 2012 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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right now ral xand drinkia police asking for your help to find this missing elderly man. 71-year-old david short was last seen at 9:00 a.m. yesterday. short suffers from dementia and needs daily medication. he was reportedly on his way to virginia hospital center in arlington. police say he may also be, somewhere in the gainesville area of prince with county trying to find a relative. short may be driving a 2006 silver or green honda crv with virginia plates kbk-6001. anyone with information about short or his car should contact police. d.c. police are trying to figure out if two attacks on capitol hill are related. two men were robbed and beaten offen north carolina avenue and southea southeast. first victim was found on the porch of a house. they believe 29-year-old was going to the door looking for help. the second victim was attacked by two men, not seriously hurt. police have stepped up patrols in the area. >> even with police presence, we're not going to cover every block. and i don't know how determined
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these criminals are, but it's certainly -- we're going to have to be extremely vigilant on our own as well until they're caught. >> police are reviewing surveillance video taken less than a half hour after the first attack. three men inside a car at a gas station could be connected to the crimes. today the group responsible for overseeing the silver line project is helping to prepare its image. the metropolitan washington airports authority has under scrutiny since detailed lavish travel spending and contracts. nod the ny board looks to adopt new ethics rules. among them, a limit on what members can spend on plane tickets and meals and rules on disclosing conflicts of interests so contracts are not handed out to former board members. talking about starting off with a little debate already because aaron felt -- >> i felt a good breeze this morning. >> when you said cool breeze. >> cool to me. >> all i felt was stifling
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humidity. i thought i had to wear a mask for my hair, it was so bad. >> you just spray on the helmet when you get in here. >> it's different because it goes limp with the humidity. >> evidently he sprayed something around him. he said cool breeze. we said he must have walked in in a portal this morning, kind of untouched, right? the golden child over there. 79 degrees, your temperature, with the wind? there's a little bit of a breeze, out of the south at 12 miles an hour. look at the dew point, 72 degrees again. yeah, tropical air still over us. with tropical air, that means tropical downpours. we've go a better chance of seeing that today. on your satellite, you can see we've got a few breaks here. we're partly cloudy. but how come the showers and they're already starting to build in areas of west virginia. this is the line around frostburg and petersburg that i think will be getting to our area about 8:00 or 9:00 a.m. at the bus stop here's looking like it is going to be a little
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wet. already very light showers making their way through to the western parts of d.c. and waldorf. those are isolated light showers and sprinkles right now. again, heavier stuff back to the west associated with the weather front. one thing that we did not have yesterday, so now i think more coverage of seeing the rain throughout the area today and a better chance of getting those downpours. 72 to 77. high humidity possibly at the bus stop. good morning. right now your first4 traffic report, we're going to start with road work. accidents and obviously no delays. not seeing either of those things right now but facing a couple of work zones. in maryland, 198. as you travel southbound right side of the road is blocked by the work zone there. let's head over t to the beltway. the inner loop has a work zone set up at ken worth avenue. also, the right lane is blocked. and as you travel in montgomery county taking the outer loop of the beltway as you make your way past new hampshire avenue the
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left lane is blocked. closer to university, all your lanes are all going to get down to just the right lane getting by at university boulevard. and taking the beltway in virginia, good news here, on the outer loop as you make your way past braddock road in this area, just the left lane is getting by. eun, over to you. 4:34. breaking news, a deadly shooting during a midnight election rally in canada for quebec's new premier. angie goff is in the newsroom now for more. >> eun, one person is dead. another critically injured after a masked gunman in a bathrobe opened fire at the midnight victory rally. the new premier was not hurt. rushed off the stage by her security guards. she reportedly asked what's going on as she was grabbed unaware of the shooter. police say the gunman who is in custody is 50 years old. they say he opened fire in the back of the room during this speech while hundreds filled the auditorium. right now no official word on what kind of weapon but camera
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footage showed a pistol and a rifle at the scene. as of right now a motive is still unclear. police saying they don't know if she was the direct target. reporting live in the newsroom, angie goff, news4. >> thank you. tonight, former president bill clinton will be the speaker in charlotte. clinton is scheduled to speak during the 10:00 hour. maryland senator barbara mccull ski and steny hoyer is also to impress the crowd. and sandra fluke, the georgetown university law student who made national headlines earlier this year when rush limbaugh insulted her for supporting insurance companies to cover birth control. first lady michelle obama hoping to show americans a different side of her husband. ♪ the first lady was one of the main speakers last night in charlotte. she told the crowd the president knows about the american dream
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because she's lived it. >> he believes that when you've worked hard and done well and walked through that doorway of opportunity you do not slam it shut behind you. no, you reach back and you give other folks the same chances that helped you succeed. >> the first lady never mentioned mitt romney or paul ryan during her speech. maryland governor martin o'malley though is not holding back his criticism of the nominees. o'malley also spoke at the dnc last night. romney and ryan were the main targets of his attack. >> instead of investing in america, they hide their money in swiss bank accounts and ship our jobs to china. swiss bank accounts never built an american bridge. swiss bank accounts never put cops on the streets or teachers in our classrooms. governor romney, just because you bank gaines the united states of america doesn't mean
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the rest of us are willing to sell her out. a lot of people speculating that o'malley is run for president four years from now and, of course, we are in charlotte for the convention. they will be bring you live reports today and tomorrow only on news4. republicans are hoping to make noise in north carolina this week as well. bob mcdonnell will campaign today and tomorrow near the convention site. mcdonnell is one of the mitt romney's most active surrogates. gov her o'malley spend part of last week in tampa. vice president bid enwas supposed to be there as well but he canceled because of hurricane ice sake. paul ryan is stumping for votes in battleground states. he campaigned yesterday in ohio and ohio. he accused president obama to break his promise to improve the economy. mitt romney is keeping a low profile this week. he's in new england. coming up on 4:38 right now. ahead on "news4 today," paying
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tribute to neil armstrong. how you will soon be able to honor the late astronaut here in the district. while plans to transform this block in chevy chase is not being well received by neighbors. no day of rain as you get ready to head out the door. veronica johnson looks at how long it will stick aro
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and a drive to left. morse tuns one way and the ball is right there for him. they have done it again.
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>> this morning the nationals have their largest first place lead of the season. they beat the cubs 11-5 last night. braves lost 6-0 to the rockies. that means the nats are in first place by 7 1/2 games. adam laroche hit two home runs. the nationals will look to win their fourth game in a row tonight against the cubs. all right. looking good. >> yeah. nice for them. 4:41 right now. let's see how the weather will hold out for you today. storm team4 meteorologist has the forecast. >> let's just say more than the last two days we've got better chance of seeing rain across the area today. yeah. it's still warm and muggy. another start for us here this morning. look at the temperatures. plenty warm. 76 right now. franconia, coming in at 75. potom potomac, currently 76 degrees. we do already have spotty, little showers around the area. down around charles county. rain in petersburg.
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that's west virginia now. i think that will arrive here about 8:00 or 9:00 a.m. showers developing. humid today. your high, 86. drenching storms between noon and about 5:00 p.m. let's hit the roads again with danella. still checking things out in our area. pretty quiet. still a couple of work zones setting up. i-95 southbound garrisonville road. work zone southbound lane, right shoulder lane. that's not bad. traveling northbound, i-95, make your way past the occoquan river bridge. no issues here. in fact, you're clear as you head to the beltway. traveling on 395, northbound at king street. over night, had a paving operation just blocking your right lane. that appears to be gone. in fact, as you travel on 395 you're clear all of the way to the 14th street bridge. aaron and eun, back over to you. 77 degrees. still to come, questions right now for people with apple gadgets after a hacker group starts bragging about its latest starts bragging about its latest
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anncr: it'll start out as concrete and steel... but it'll become so much more. a new world-class resort casino in prince george's county. two thsand constction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent, good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes... where it's supposed to. but none of it will happen unless we vote for... question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland.
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firefighters say the wildfire in california's angeles national forest could burn for another week before it's fully contained. crews there battling the williams fire had a 24% contained right now but it's already burned 3600 acres in the san gabrielle mountains. public memorial service will be held for neil armstrong here in washington. it will be held at the national cathedral next thursday at 10:00 a.m. it will be broadcast live. armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. he died late last month from complications from heart surge prip i was 82 years old. 4:45. the military's elite getting a stern warning as a book is released about the raid on osama bin laden. navy xlandsers sent a letter to all members of the special operations community to warn them not to reveal details of
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their missions. the letter comes as pentagon considers legal action against a former navy s.e.a.l. who wrote the book "no easy day." the author claims to detail the raid that killed osama bin laden last year. defense officials say the book reveals sensitive and classified information after the s.e.a.l. signed a nondisclosure agreement with the military. we are learning a soldier killed recently in afghanistan was from virginia. defense department says staff sergeant smith and his unit came under fire in eastern afrg. the 28-year-old and soldier from texas died in the attack. staff sergeant schmidt was from petersburg, virginia, and stationed at ft. bragg, north carolina. this morning the maryland student accused of opening fire on the first day of school is office shawly charge with nine counts of attempted murder. 17-year-old special needs student was critically wounded and is still in the hospital. the suspect, 15-year-old robert bladen is charged as an attack. he used an antique shotgun to open fire in the cafeteria at perry hall high school in
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baltimore county last month. d.c. water will hold a public meeting tomorrow about flooding concerns in the bloomingdale neighborhood. they urge residents there in that flood prone neighborhood to install a backflow preventer to keep water from the main sewer line from gushing into homes. they say it will rebate most of the installation costs, up to $3,000. sewage backed up through toilets and drains into homes as well. again, the agency will have a public meeting tomorrow night at 7:00 at its bryant street pumping station. chevy chase is turning into an urban town center. the major redevelopment proposal along connecticut avenue between jones ridge road and east west highway is getting mixed reviews. >> we're really providing new community gathering spaces, a new park, new amenities, better dining and shopping options for them. >> any redevelopment here that's happening is going to make things that much worse, that
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much more congested and make people more irritated. >> the redevelopment is part of a master plan that includes metro's purple line that would one from chevy chase bethesda. montgomery county counsel still needs to approve the plan. alexandria new councilman is waking up to a deseegsive win in northern virginia me earned 75% of the roto win the state delege seat. republican timothy mcghee came in second and libertarian justin malkin garnered less than 4%. krupicka will replace him. 15% of active voters turned out. former virginia congressman could threat on the still votes from mitt romney come november. the common wealth's board of elections ruled that republican virgil jr. is eligible to be on the presidential ballot as a third-party candidate for the constitution party.
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libertarian and green party candidates were allowed on but he has a long history in virginia politics and even if he earns 2% or 3% in november, i could swing the state in president obama's favor. state republican party is challenging his eligibility and it has accused him of petition fraud. 4:49. a hacking gro ining group says numbers but a federal law enforcement agent says it's likely just a hoax. the group said it hacked 12 million apple device ids from the fbi computer. those numbers are used when you download from itunes. a federal law enforcement official tells nbc news there's no evidence the fbi requested that data from apple. and they say a list posted by anti-s.e.c. allegedly hacked numbers may be employed to steal data from those who read it. they are buzzing that apple may unveil a new iphone next wednesday. yesterday the company released this cryptic invite to a news conference that reads, quote,
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it's almost here and includes a 12 for september 12th. take a close r closing look. the shadow from the 12 is actually a 5, leading many to speculate apple's announcement to be an iphone 5. industry experts suspect the new device will have a faster processor and a bigger screen. just days away from the start and already one teammate says robert griffin iii is as good as some of the best quarterbacks in the league. wide receiver josh morgan tells website on tap that rg3 is as fast as michael vick, makes throws like peyton manning and reads defenses like tom brady. that's not all. morgan says rg3 is humble, focused and a great man off the field. he gets his first chance to live up to hype sunday against the new orleans saints. game time is 1:00. you don't have to wait until the weekend to get your football fill. the nfl season kicks off tonight with the showdown between the reining super bowl champion new york giants and dallas cowboys. you can catch it starting at
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8:30 right here on nbc4. >> how about a little bit of football weather? >> got some? >> i would like that, crisp fall weather. >> this time next week. that's the other part of the forecast here. this time next week, highs in the upper 70 sglz no way. >> that's kind of football weather, right? >> i love it. looking good to me. >> we're going to want it because these last couple of days have just been so sticky, so muggy, things are going to heat up, too. a little bit of humidity left hanging in the air over the next two days. 75 degrees in rockville this morning. again, a muggy one there. silver spring, maryland, at 74. montgomery county, springfield, virginia, at 76. just a little warmer and 72 in haymarket, virginia, with dry conditions throughout the area right now. you've got to go way up here around areas around jar jetsville and baltimore to see the showers but as the morning unfolds we're going to look at some more rain developing. and moving in to our area. on the radar right now, dry, winchester.
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happy creek down toward la ray. there's the line. frostburg, elkins, to charleston, that's the line that's going to be making its way eastward. it is associated with a cold front, so we've got isaac's remnants that are kind of left lingering in the air. no circulation, no spin. but again, a lot of tropical moisture. there's your front. that's the difference today. we've got that front that's going to act as a trigger giving us more showers and storms. it will move through. thursday, still a slight possibility of a little bit of rain left lingering. our best chance tomorrow will be during the afternoon. we get a break. sunshine on friday but very, very warm. the highs in the low 90s. then another front that's going to come our way for the weekend. unfortunately the weekend. not talking about a lot of rain. just some showers that i think will be mostly late on saturday. 84 to 89 degrees today. shower, thunderstorm. our best chance between noon and 5:00 p.m. to get any of those downpours. some clearing then for the evening. 75 to 81 degrees.
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showers wrap up. about 7:00 or 58. by tomorrow morning, we could see fog forming. look at the numbers here on the four-day forecast. today's high, 88. 92 for thursday as well as friday. a little bit of heat. upper 70s early part of next week. right now, checking our area. and kicking off your first4 traffic report, a look around the beltway. still sees cones up. give you an update in ten minutes. most of them are in the final stages. for now, let's fly over i-270 and check things out. looking nice. 65 miles per hour southbound as you pass 109. no issues as you make your way even though germantown, approaching rockville in both directions, no construction. no delays. it looks nice in both directions. i'm back in ten minutes with a look at p t. work zone set up around the beltway. hopefully they're clear, and also a look at your rails. >> thank you. volunteer firefighters gave a check to a local organization thanking them for helping an injured colleague.
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the volunteer fire department donated $10,000 to d.c. firefighters burn foundation. the foundation helps firefighters throughout the washington area with recovery and rehab. in february two firefighters were injured battling a house fire in riverdale. a u.s. congressman from maryland is being hailed a hero after helping a toddler on the side of the road. andy harris saved the boy along route 50 about a week ago. 2-year-old nathan smith's parents say the boy was not breathing and turning blue. harris was also a medical doctor, loosened his jaw and allowed the boy to gasp in air. he thanked harris on the facebook page and called the boy's recovery a miracle. harris replied, wishing the boy well. >> dr. harris, also a father of five. we saw this really unusual scene on the side of the road and decided he needed to come back around and see what was going on and was able to help out. >> thank goodness he did. >> sure. and apparently the little boy had a seizure. he's fine now, competely okay.
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4:54 is our time. coming up at 5:10, if new mcdon nod's restaurant that's missing all signature items. bad news for investors who plunked down money for a piece of facebook. the unusual jewelry store is offering some of the customer it is they buy that expensive diam
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welcome back. facebook stock is falling. well, flat on its face since the initial public offering more than three months ago. it's lost $50 billion in market value. at least one analyst is blaming the company's cfo for flooding the market with more shares than it wanted and miscalculating demand. fra n. trading yesterday facebook reached a new low of $17.55 a share. just in time for the holiday season walmart is lowering the fee for the lay away program. it will charge $5 to open the account. down from $15. walmart made the decision based on customer feedback since it announced it would bring back the layaway program for the holiday season. it decision follows toys "r" us which waived the fee from now through halloween. atlanta area jeweler came up with an unusual way to sell diamonds. >> buy a diamond, get a gun. that's right. after 70 years in business, gler
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and son is offering a free rifle to whoever buys the diamonds. his new offer is meant to appeal to his customer who like to hunt. he adds that a diamond is forever. ain't that the truth. a diamond is forever. >> hey, got to get them in the door, right? >> there you go. although i wonder if you can trade the rifle for an upgrade or matching bracelet or something. >> wow, eun. just get rid of the husband. >> not the husband, i said the rifle. >> oh. >> misheard me. stay with us. "news4 today" continues right now at 5:00 a.m. breaking news in montreal. a tragic end to a campaign victory celebration after someone starts shooting. i have seen firsthand that being president doesn't chang


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